Introducing Spooky Pines
Sweet Aussie Spin on Halloween with the introduction of Pure Gold's Spooky Pines.

This Halloween get behind a new Aussie tradition and support our Queensland pineapple farmers by having a go at carving a sweet Spooky Pine.
Queensland growers and Pure Gold Pineapples are challenging Aussies to drop the American tradition of carving pumpkins and instead support the local pineapple industry this year.
After battling drought, fire and hailstorms, as well as the challenges COVID-19 have presented this year, the team at Pure Gold have found a novel way people can support the industry and for families to start a fun new Aussie tradition.
To get people behind the cause, Pure Gold has released limited edition Spooky Pines that are available on supermarket shelves across Australia throughout October. Best of all, carving pineapples there is no wastage, simply use the flesh of the pine in your favourite recipe or enjoy it fresh.
For ideas on how to use the flesh of your tasty sweet pineapple, visit our recipe section here.
Our farmers would also love to see your spooky creations. Please share any pineapple lanterns to our Facebook and Instagram pages:
Happy carving and happy Halloween from the team at Pure Gold.