

Pineapple Trifle

A classic Christmas Trifle, with Pure Gold Pineapple Jelly in the mix to add a delicious sweetness like no other!


4 cups pineapple juice
1 tbsp gelatin powder
Sponge cake/jam roll if preferred
Thicken cream
Pineapple pieces
Other seasonal fruit


  1. In a medium saucepan, place 2 cups pineapple juice & bring to the boil. Remove from heat & whisk in gelatin until dissolved. Stir through remaining pineapple juice. Pour juice through a strainer to remove pulp then pour into trifle pots or desired dish. Refrigerate for 4 hrs..6 overnight, to set.
  2. Once jelly is set, layer your pots with sponge, sliced pineapple pieces, custard, thicken cream and repeat. Top with fresh seasonal fruit and enjoy.